Our Grants and Funding
The Boys’ Brigade Northern Regional Trust has investments which earn an income, and uses it to help The Boys’ Brigade in New Zealand to provide leadership and programmes for Boys.
Most of the Trust’s income goes to BBNZ to fund one Development Officer salary and expenses. The Development Officer helps Churches to recruit, train and encourage leaders for local BB units. He also organises big events of fun activities on a regional basis.
Each year the Trust subsidises the costs of about six young leaders from the Northern Region who attend the National Leadership Development Courses.
Start-up grants of $200 are made to every new BB unit/company to help them get going.
Applying for a grant?
Any BB Company, ICONZ unit, BB New Zealand or any other recognised BB entity operating within New Zealand’s Northern Region (Taupo north) can apply to the Trust for funding to support its work, or undertake a project.
Special Funding
We are very privileged to receive bequests and lifetime of service from individuals who have built special relationships with the trust over time. We have turned these generous financial and time donations, into targeted funds, to promote specific growth and development.
Ward Fischer (MNZM) Fund
The late Ward Fischer MNZM, made a bequest to the Trust in his will. The Trustees have decided it should be used to provide leadership training grants because of Ward’s major input to National Leadership Development Courses (NLDCs) over 40 years. Grants may be made to individuals, local units/companies or BBNZ itself.
Apply by simple email contact in the first instance: bbnrtrust@gmail.com
Bruce Wallace MacCarthy Memorial Scholarship
To remember and honour the selfless service of Mr Bruce Wallace MacCarthy, previously a serving officer in The Boys’ Brigade in NZ and more latterly the longtime treasurer of the Boys’ Brigade Northern Regional Trust until his sudden death in 2015. Bruce served in a similar role in several other organisations and in Citizens’ Advice Bureau’s Budgeting Service.
- To encourage and promote self-development and leadership training for serving senior boys and young adults in a BB/ ICONZ leadership role within the Northern Regional Trust area.
- To recognise, develop and enhance individual leadership skills of serving senior boys and young adults in a leadership role in a BB company or ICONZ unit within the Northern Regional Trust area.
- To assist and encourage BB/ ICONZ serving senior boys and young adults in a leadership role to strive to reach their true potential through structured leadership development learning experience.
- To acquaint serving senior boys and young adults in a leadership role in a BB company or ICONZ unit with the existence and availability of the Scholarship
Background/ Rationale
The Scholarship is aimed at providing a ‘leg up’ open to any eligible senior boy aged 17 + years (Year 13 or equivalent) or young adult leader up to 25 years meeting the selection criteria prevailing at that time so as to participate in an accredited or otherwise nationally recognised leadership/ personal development training programme.
Conditions and Criteria
The scholarship is limited to a “one off” payment to an individual meeting the selection criteria prevailing at that time.
The successful individual will be eligible for the scholarship only once.
The applicant will be required to demonstrate how the leadership course or self-development training programme sought encapsulates and/or reinforces the ideals and basic principles as outlined in The Object of the Boys’ Brigade.
Priority will be given to applicants who demonstrate how the scholarship will upskill and improve their ability to: lead more effectively, be a positive Christian role model, mentor, teacher, facilitator.
The scholarship will provide financial assistance up to 75% of the reasonable costs, (to a maximum of $2500.00), of an accredited or nationally recognised leadership development course/ programme that is centred on developing and/ or enhancing personal leadership skills.Some preference may be given to an applicant who comes from a lower socio-economic background or a single parent family but particularly to a young leader who would have very limited or no opportunity to avail themselves of such personal development due to special circumstances beyond their control.
An application for the scholarship will require endorsement by the Captain of the respective BB Company or Leader in Charge of the ICONZ unit and the minister/ pastor of the young leader’s church as well as at least two other independent supporting referees.
As a condition of the scholarship, the successful applicant will be required to provide a written evaluation or digital presentation demonstrating how the scholarship has helped them in their own personal development as well as in their current BB/ ICONZ leadership role.
Expressions of interest will be called for on the 1st September, closing 31st December each year, with the successful applicant of the scholarship determined no later than the 28th of February in the New Year. Supporters of the scholarship, outside the Trust, are encouraged to contribute additional financial support with the aim of ultimately increasing the number of scholarship selections available each year.
Successful Recipients
- 2020: The first award was made to Jacob Bruce of Hamilton who attended an Outward Bound course at Anakiwa.